National Security Forum of Nevada and the Washoe County School District
in partnership with
Braver Angels of Nevada
present the
2023 Youth Security Forum
May 23, 2023
“Civil Discourse to Strengthen National Security”

An in-person event hosted by Truckee Meadows
Community College Student Center
Carrying the spirit of civil discourse forward, YSF students will contribute to restoring a civil and respectful society at home, laying the foundation for a more peaceful and secure world.
We need your help!
NSF is seeking 25-30 volunteers to help facilitate discussions and support event logistics. Please join us by signing up by clicking on the button below to support this important event. Download Flyer (PDF)
Can’t volunteer? NSF is covering expenses for the venue and lunch for students. To donate please go to this link: https://nsf.memberclicks.net/ysf-donation
The 2023 Youth Security Forum (YSF) brings students together from four Washoe County School District (WCSD) high schools to engage in spirited and civil discussions about timely and challenging national security issues. The National Security Forum of Nevada and WCSD, in partnership with Braver Angels of Nevada, are hosting the 2023 YSF to equip the next generation of national security leaders and informed citizens with the tools, outlook, and motivation to discuss timely and important topics with their peers, families, and communities. Civil discourse is a pillar to our national security. Bridging divisions at home strengthens our standing abroad. Armed with Braver Angels resources, Depolarizing Within and Skills for Bridging the Divide, YSF students will practice initiating conversations, listening to others, and sharing their perspectives on timely issues pertaining to the US military, technology, climate change, and diplomacy. Carrying the spirit of civil discourse forward, YSF students will contribute to restoring a civil and respectful society at home, laying the foundation for a more peaceful and secure world.
General Information Downloads (PDFs):
Discussion Topic Resource Downloads (.zip):
Relevant links:
- NSF https://nationalsecurityforum.org/
- Braver Angels: https://braverangels.org/
- Braver Angels plays a role in national security: https://braverangels.org/braver-angels-plays-a-role-in-protecting-our-national-security-a-military-intelligence-analyst-shares-his-perspective/
For more information about this event, contact
Dr. Maureen McCarthy, NSF Program Director,
Email: [email protected]
Kimberly Pickens, NSF Event Coordinator,
Email: [email protected]