Forum for discussing national security issues.

Become a Member

Become a Member

Please click the button below to create your new NSF membership. As a new member, you will create a login with your preferred email in our membership system and gain access to informative talks and special events.

Thank you for your interest! Looking forward to seeing you at our next event! Please feel free to contact us with any questions about becoming a member at [email protected] or at (775) 800-7773.

About NSF Membership

Your membership provides vital financial support that enables the National Security Forum (NSF) to fulfill its Mission.   Memberships are $100 for an Individual or $150 for a Couple. We also have a Friends of the Forum program for those interested. 

As a member you are able to actively participate in our monthly virtual Forums, interacting with speakers directly.  Since we have gone online due to the COVID pandemic, we have been able to expand the diversity of our speakers, interacting with people who won’t fly to Reno for a day, but will spend an hour online!  While we hope to go back to in-person Forums soon, we may continue to offer online Forums with subject matter experts from around the world!

The National Security Forum, Inc. (Tax ID 45-4102008) is a state and federally-recognized 501C3 non-profit organization. Your membership and financial support of the National Security Forum is critical to our ability to continue to provide you with balanced, thought-provoking commentary and educational experience unlike anything else available in Northern Nevada and beyond.

Your support makes it possible, and for that we thank you!

If you wish to make additional contributions or have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]