Please join us for this most timely presentation on….
Achieving World Food Security
Why We Continue to Fail
and What it Means for Our National Security
Avram “Buzz” Guroff
Senior Executive, the USDA and ACDI/VOCA
The Ramada. 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 4, 2015
In a world of some 7.3 billion people, over 842 million are food insecure, with the vast majority living in developing countries. Poor nutrition causes nearly half the deaths of children under five—3.1 million each year! One of every 6 children is underweight; one in 4 of the world’s children is stunted.
In countries facing the worst food conditions, most are prone to civil disorder, large displaced populations, widespread poverty, and may also suffer more from natural disasters. Given that the global population is projected to reach 9.1 billion by 2050, with nearly all of the population increase occurring in developing countries, food production will need to increase by 50%! Is there enough land, water and genetic diversity to meet the need? Is the political will there to deal with the challenge?
Buzz Guroff, who spent his career in the U.S. Department of Agriculture and later with the non-profit international agricultural development organization ACDI/VOCA, will present an overview of the state of food insecurity in the world, highlighting key areas of most concern. He will discuss the reasons why the international community has thus far failed to eliminate food insecurity, and will address the national security implications of the likely worsening situation. Guroff will suggest courses of action that could alleviate this ongoing tragedy.
Please join us for what will be a very interesting discussion. A full breakfast will be served ($15 Members, $25 Non-Members, and $10 for students with ID and military personnel in uniform; free for WWII veterans). We recommend that you arrive by 8:30 to enjoy breakfast, coffee and conversation.
You are encouraged to RSVP by clicking HERE. You may also RSVP by e-mailing Just a reminder, after the forum, we will be accepting new and renewal membership applications for the July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 period. Forms will be available at the forum, though you can also access the application form by clicking HERE. For your convenience, we accept cash, check and credit card payments for both the breakfast and membership.