Forum for discussing national security issues.
Colonel Mike Haas on American Intervention Abroad

Colonel Mike Haas on American Intervention Abroad

Today we turn our editorial page over to retired Colonel Mike Haas, who argues that those who oppose the American penchant for intervention abroad are not Isolationists, but Realists.





By Colonel Michael Haas, USAF, ret.


Perhaps the least surprising consequence of the most recent, widely reported chemical attack in Syria, is the now all too familiar ‘wail of the war hawks.’  An odd collection of domestic and international bedfellows, these birds range widely.

They include Arab leaders calling down lethal U.S. firepower on their neighbor—as long as they are not seen to be doing so—as well as American “NeoConservatists” willing to fight to the last American in support of Tel Aviv’s interests.  Last but far from least is America’s military-industrial complex, now sorely in need of war to recover from draconian cuts in America’s defense budget.

Only last month the American public was asked to believe ‘an unbelievably small’ act of war against the sovereign nation of Syria would provide just the attitude adjustment the Bashar al-Assad regime needed to stop offending the international community.  Thoughtfully omitted in this siren song was any acknowledgement by Secretary of State Kerry that the enemy always gets a vote on how to respond to attack.

The Obama Administration’s sales pitch assured us that Assad would in the future conduct his civil war with more acceptable weapons, as for example those used to kill more than 100,000 of his countrymen to date. One might think that by now our leaders might have learned a hard lesson—that intervening in sectarian conflicts or civil wars has accomplished little but exhaust our treasury of young American lives and trillions in dollars. Hasn’t happened and tomorrow doesn’t look good either.

Those of us who advocate more restraint are often slurred as “isolationists” by the war hawks.  I reject that label, preferring ‘realists’ to describe those of us who preach careful analysis and an understanding of America’s real core interests. We are not opposed to employing military force abroad nor do we demand that the U.S. retreat to a “fortress America” mentality.  We do however argue for selective engagement, and intervention only when our allies in the region are willing to take the lead in helping themselves.

One final note on the war hawks, especially those elected politicians from our defense industry-dependent states.  Struggle as I might I cannot yet find the name of a single politician who has asked for a uniform, a rifle, and a ticket to Syria.  Thus I find myself in wholehearted support to the American citizen who recently proclaimed “If congress thinks war on Syria is such a good idea, send congress to Syria!”


Colonel Haas served in the national intelligence community as a Middle East specialist, and is a member of the National Security Forum. He has served in a variety of assignments in the Air Force and Army, including with USAF paramilitary forces.