Comments on: The Cost of Green Jobs Forum for discussing national security issues. Tue, 17 Oct 2017 18:07:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arnold Falk Mon, 19 Nov 2012 08:23:53 +0000 Dear National Security Forum,
There are more than just a few of us engineers out here in the hinterlands that understand data, how to analyze that data and relative costs…and malarkey when we see it. The CFR analysis is correct. Mr. Busby’s response is what we have come to expect from this Administration.
And we remember clearly the fraud in the data manipulation at the University of East Anglia’s CRU that went on for years, because of the built in incentives to do so. Global Warming there is, just as there has been a cycling of warming and cooling for millions of years. But for anyone to seriously want us out here who can still think to believe that ALL climate change is man-produced is wasting his time. Mr. Busby’s technical argument is not based on sound science, and he is paid to promote taking tax payers money to support the Federal Government’s efforts to support winners and losers, and to reward a lot of donors to the Democrat Party. Government support at university level of basic research if fine, but the market needs to be allowed to make return-on-investment decisions.
Little reminder to Mr. Busby: Things aren’t rosy as he portrays in Germany. Read this from Der Spiegel:
and this from Bloomberg:
The German people are paying through the nose for subsidized renewable energy production, and they are pushing back. And this is a country that does not use a tenth of the power we do for air conditioning.
If Mr. Busby is really interested in stabilizing and lowering the energy costs for the people of Nevada, then for goodness sakes, support the oil and gas industry’s efforts to produce domestic sources, including rational and environmentally responsible producing from Federal lands. This will certainly go a long way to diminish those dreaded ‘price spikes’ he likes to talk about. There is a lot of hydrocarbon reserves in the Western United States that could be responsibly produced to the economic benefit of the citizens there, and which cost a lot less than the corrupted government-subsidized path he is paid to promote.
AC Falk
