Comments on: Benghazi Op-Ed Forum for discussing national security issues. Tue, 17 Oct 2017 18:05:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Metcalf Fri, 09 Nov 2012 09:30:21 +0000 Excellent summary and evaluation, Ty. This event seems to represent blunders at DOD, DOS, the CIA and the NSC. Now we know there was a desire to minimize some of the facts in an attempt not to reveal intel activities and assets in Benghazi. Unfortunately, the pressure to make political hay forced information to be exposed beyond the Senate and House Intelligence Cmtes.

There is no question that the precise communications between Libya and the four agencies above and details of the discussions in those organizations will reveal why fighter aircraft and ground combat personnel were not sent once it was determined that radical elements were attacking with weapons.

Whether the review is public or limited to the intel committees, it needs to be thorough and the procedures for security of DOS personnel in Islamic countries need to be overhauled. I just wish all those who have been using this sad event to divide the nation politically would cork it and let the failure assessments take place without further broadcasting our intel activities and security weaknesses to the world.
