Comments on: The passing of Charlie Wilson–End of an Era Forum for discussing national security issues. Tue, 17 Oct 2017 16:55:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elvis Wed, 08 Jul 2015 04:14:07 +0000 Hello I don’t know if it’s me or your web blog but it is starting sluggish , it took me just like a
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By: Tim Holmes Tue, 27 Nov 2012 02:08:37 +0000 I just posted this on a similar article (2008) commentary section in the Washington Post. Charlie Wilson was a positive and persistant part of the process, especially with the Democrat side of the equation, but not an essential one. It would have been interesting what could have happened were he to have disappeared about 1982 for some reason or another.
Let’s get this straight, here the smoking gun of the cold war is revealed to the public in one of the world’s most well known papers (online) and more than four years later no one bothers to post a message.

I have read three of Mr. Kengor’s books on the subject of NSDD-75, and it greatly expands what was already known, how Reagan was head and shoulders beyond everyone, including (at the time) Nixon the presidential Sovietologist, retired. This is meant in the most simple instinctive way of what he wanted to do, take down the USSR (and make it stick), along with increase defense and the economy. He did that, clearly and efficiently. NSDD-75 was the highpoint of the communism goal part.

While Senator Hayakawa’s take was probably correct — that Reagan had great instincts, but often got his homework wrong — in those three main goals he completely successfully cleared the deck. Reagan even confidently directed from the beginning of his presidency “it is time” and that it might work completely in taking down the Soviets. Faith in the right time and place can and does make a huge difference. Almost no one shared his either his vision or views on the subject, and those of the economy, were very viable to the degree he thought. Including a young man about to join the military in 1982, myself. Faith does not need many to share, but it does need one. This is neither necessarily of religious or even positive faith, merely any firmly held belief or conviction. So I personally see as another way to look at NSDD-75 and its background origination.

Instead, we focus on mindless drivel like sensational nonsense of Petraeus boring sex life.
